
Welcome to my first blog. I feel with all the emotions running rampant that this would be a positive outlet for me to share my rants, frustrations, joys and tribulations in my journey to find a job.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Meltdowns

Why do they have to send out employment letters on Monday's informing you that you did not make the grade. "We're sorry but this position has been filled" ... etc. I was let down to say the least when I got that letter from a position I had advanced so far in the hiring process. I felt this was the dream job of all jobs. I know not to put all my eggs in one basket and I kept reminding myself to be realistic and not to get my hopes up too much as there usually is a letdown. It is so hard to keep your spirits up in today's job market. With every rejection you feel like a chunk of hope you were carrying around just drops off. Some day's you wonder how you will ever face the day. Well today I received not one but 3 lovely "rejection" letters. To add salt to the wounds I went onto my usual job sites to look for more places to apply for to only feel more distressed. There were only 38 job listings in my search. Of those 38, once I weeded out the part time, contract or temp jobs, the required college degrees and the ones that pay so low it should be a crime ($7.50/hr - $9.00/hr), I only had 2 listings I was able to apply for. OK so that wasted about 2 hours of my time. I then proceeded to google various companies that I would be interested in seeking employment in. Another 2 hours gone and not a single posting that would be fit to apply for. Unfortunately I had to leave my post on here to get out in the real world and cart the kid to his Dr. apt as well as squeeze one in myself. Once I got home I was so exhausted and I honestly feel so beat down. I feel like getting a job, any job has the same odds as winning the lottery. I hope I can get up enough courage tomorrow to start the crazy cycle all over again.
On another note: My unemployment stopped last week so I spent a good 45 minutes on the phone with the Unemployment Office to find out that they will not issue checks until they get back an application for the final Emergency Extended Benefits. The lady was nice but informed me it will probably take another 2-3 weeks once they receive the paperwork back before I see any payments. She was mailing out another application since I did not receive one and was nice enough to put a fax # on the form to help speed up the process once I receive it. I'm so glad we have a little bit left in the bank from my battered 401K. Sad but If I don't get a job by the time my last extension runs out in September, I have no clue what we are going to do.

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